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anyCMS: Custom CMS made simple, intuitive and sexy
What is anyCMS? 

Let’s start by saying that anyCMS is a product developed out of our standing joke “Why don’t we just build it ourselves?”. There’s obviously a lot more to the story of how it started, but the main idea was to simplify a process on the development side and the end user side. 

A common theme when building websites is the absolute need for a simple and flexible User Interface for users to be able to manage their own content. 

We work on a wide range of different types of web applications; typically - with off-the-shelf solutions - the backend is cluttered with toggles and switches and a relative lock-in to the technologies used by these platforms, which results in an over complicated process for its user. 

We built anyCMS to be an ultra simple, lightweight content management system that allows us to focus on delivering the features our customers need, whilst staying out of their way in day to day interactions with their website. 

From a technical point of view it allows us as developers to set up various templates for the different kinds of content pages in a simple declarative way, while being flexible enough to take advantage of Rail’s built in asset pipeline or just serve as a headless API for a Single Page Application (if that's what we’re building)

Building anyCMS’s UI, we focused on exposing only the things that matter to users allowing for a very low impact and fast interaction whilst maintaining total control of what their visitors will see.

Why Ruby on Rails (RoR)?

Besides security and scalability, Ruby on Rails provides a very strong foundation for most web applications, allowing for smooth development of features via its vibrant community, strong focus on code quality and best practices. 

anyCMS takes advantage of many of Rails’ 6 new features. It provides out of the box support for building Single Page Applications (SAP) via its API and Rails native support for tools like Webpack. All assets and user generated content can be safely stored in a wide array of Cloud services like Amazon S3, as well as be easily deployed in idempotent Docker containers and deployed seamlessly and scaled in a pinch.


A vital requirement we took into consideration while building anyCMS is our customers’ differing requirements for custom features to be built for their apps. Building anyCMS from the ground up with plugin support, allowed us to write plain Rails code and build on top of its existing API and admin panel virtually any feature or integrate it with almost any of the vast array of open source tools available for the Ruby ecosystem.

Book a demo with us today and see how anyCMS can help power your next idea 💪🏼